Led by: Clare Nolan with partners Chera Reid & Kim Ammann Howard

Time: Pre-Conference Presentation: November 8, 4:45pm CT
Nonprofit and Foundations TIG


Evaluation in Service of Foundation-Wide Racial Equity

When grantmakers focus on racial equity and evaluation, they often think of things like data disaggregation, culturally-responsive research methods, and evaluator diversity. While important, it will take more than just transactional practices to advance equity in philanthropy and the social sector more broadly. How can evaluation and learning play a more transformative role when it comes to motivating and inspiring equity-driven work? How can foundations partner with nonprofits to ensure evaluation is in service of equity-driven, transformational change? Building on findings from recent research, speakers will share their own experiences leading evaluation and learning efforts in foundation and nonprofit settings. We will explore how transactional and transformational approaches can support the intent to advance equity. You will walk away knowing how to differentiate between the two approaches and with new ideas about how to harness evaluation and learning for deeper transformation toward equity.

This presentation will be shared during the the pre-conference day, where each TIG has a 45 minute time slot for sharing presentations.